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We have the Taoscán, so let’s do away with the dram We have the Taoscán, so let’s do away with the dram

We have the Taoscán, so let’s do away with the dram

Since taking over the mantle from Irish whiskey producers in the 19th and 20th centuries, the seemingly exponential rise of Scotch – dominating whisky sales globally and paving the way to distribution in practically every country worldwide – has been undeniably impressive. 

The Scotch whisky industry’s most remarkable feat wasn’t global growth or distribution but moreover the ability to imbue every whisky drinker in the world a Scottish phrase that is almost completely synonymous with Scotch whisky itself.

In what must be heralded one of the most unintentional and successful marketing campaigns ever, the Scotch industry introduced the whisky world to the ways of Scottish hospitality and the concept of ‘coming in for a dram’. Now, back in the day, that dram could have been anything, as a dram was simply a scientific measurement that became a part of the vernacular to mean a small amount of alcohol. In fact, it wouldn’t have been uncommon for bars that sold spirits (liquor) to be called ‘dram shops’, which even influenced the naming of the American temperance movement’s ‘dram shop act’, that is still in legislature today.

Although as this slang term grew in popularity it was becoming more common to describe Scotland’s native spirit. Eventually it was carried to the United States with Scottish emigrants, where they imparted their terminology (and hospitality) to the American whisky drinker. The phrase travelled to the four corners of the United States and even further afield, quickly becoming the go to descriptor of a small amount of whisky. Today the term has grown into an almost universally accepted term to describe a ‘non-specific amount of Scotch whisky’, which is an amazing feat for the Scottish industry/people to have a universally identifiable one syllable word to relate to your entire industry.

So, if I, a lover of liquid history and etymology, enjoys the history and simplicity of the dram, why then am I petitioning to do away with it? Realistically, I’m not at all. What I am trying to do instead is to do away with its use in relation to Irish whiskey. Because, in Ireland, we do in-fact have our own version of ‘dram’ that comes directly from the Irish language and common speech.  Although I will preface what I am about to say by stating that the word has fallen on hard times due to the popularity of the ‘dram’ but I believe that it is a time to bring our word back to the fore and for it to make its resurgence.

Time for a taoscán?

The word in question is taoscán /Tash ~ Cawn/, and it also has its own etymological origin story like the word ‘dram’. For you see, the word taoscán has been used in households, bars and storytelling in Ireland for generations, and like ‘dram’ it holds multiple meanings depending on the context but commonly would have been used to refer to alcohol.

The word taoscán essentially means a ‘non-descript amount of something’ and could have been used to refer to almost anything. For instance, a child on the farm may be asked by their parent to bring a taoscán of oats to the horses. Or, if you were eating, you could have asked for a taoscán of salt for your meal. Of course, being a versatile word, it was also used to refer to alcohol. Asking your friends to go for a taoscán of uisce beatha (whiskey) wouldn’t have been uncommon at all. The phrase has never died out and is still used in many of these situations in Ireland, but as Irish whiskey declined in the country, so too did our need to order a taoscán with your friends.

Now, it’s true that we can’t claim the same accolades as ‘dram’ having once been a scientific measure but taoscán has most likely been in use in Ireland for as long as we have been making whiskey. As such, I don’t believe there is an argument not to utilise our native tongue when talking about our native spirit.

It developed on our island to perfectly describe a small glass of Irish whiskey and could be easily owned by the Irish whiskey industry and its devoted fans to pay homage to its heritage and increase its authenticity. Now knowing that we have a phrase steeped in history and is literally the Irish version of ‘dram’, why would we not boast our own heritage when consuming our native spirit?

I plead with thee, to help revive our small piece of lost liquid history and the next time you invite your friends in for a drop of Irish, why not invite them in for a taoscán?

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